понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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De Nederlandse regering is nog altijd van mening, dat de particuliere voedselbanken niet nodig zijn. Dit in schrille tegenstelling tot de werkelijkheid. Waar dit kabinet die arrogantie vandaan haalt, is niet duidelijk. De laagste inkomens zijn iedere keer, omdat zij de grootste groep vormden, het kind van de rekening. Er is te veel bezuinigd en de inkomens gingen door grote prijsstijgingen met sprongen omlaag. De politieke partijen roepen om het hardst, dat voedselbanken afgeschaft moeten worden.

Men weet altijd te vertellen, dat het sociale netwerk in Nederland zeer goed is. Daarbij verwijst men naar de voorzieningen van de Gemeenten. Alleen de bureaucratie om deze hulp te bereiken kent geen grenzen. Vooral de invulling van de nodige papieren stuit op moeilijkheden. Deze papieren zijn zeker voor deze groep mensen te gecompliceerd en te indringend.De armoede in de derde wereld is natuurlijk vele malen erger, maar ook in ons land bestaat armoede. Dit behoort beslist niet zo te zijn. De overheid doet te weinig, vandaar de initiatieven van particuliere instellingen.

Zij verstrekken in ieder geval hulp waarmede iets bereikt wordt. De Kerken, het Leger des Heils en niet in de laatste plaats de voedselbanken zijn actief. Het aantal personen die gebruik maken van deze hulp stijgt nog steeds. De keten van voedselbanken is opgelopen tot 110 uitdeelpunten in 2008. Het aantal afnemers beloopt momenteel 13.000. Deze getallen geven aan, dat het regeringsstandpunt onjuist is. Het hoogmoedig gedrag van deze regering ten aanzien van de voedselbanken is ook bekend bij de EU. Deze instantie gaf destijds subsidie aan de voedselbanken in Europa, maar ons land weigerde. De arme Nederlander is echter blij, dat de voedselbanken bestaan. Het is geen taboe meer om hiervan gebruik te maken.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

camping mexico tour

This weeks Brilliance:

The Day the Bird Flu Came - Play at Northeastern University
I went because Matt was playing a lead.
it was awesome. It was a Noir farce with singing. It was quirky and Amazing.
Matt was excellent. And so was most everyone else.
Justin is apparently back at NEU so the lighting was one of the most interesting parts.
erm, The whole show looked really great. Iapos;m only going to say good things. =)

Bowfire at NSMT
String Players being awesome. Sometimes being awesome while tap-dancing.
It was a good show. And the Load in/out was not too painful

Me, Chris, Justine, John, and Jameson went to Burgerworks during break... THAT was brilliant.
They are an ecologically friendly burger joint with fantastic food... And all of their "plastic" silverware and things are COMPOSTED. They have a COMPOSTING bin. It was pretty fantastic.

Rick Springfield at NSMT
Not..brilliant within itself... But as I am at the spot light and do not have to DEAL WITH the audience...
The crowd was pretty entertaining. There were lots of destroyed roses. Kiddos whoapos;s parents had taught them to love Rick and the requisite girl shoving her tits uninvited into Jamesonapos;s face. Hilarious. Also the band got our boss on stage and trapped her there. It was awesome. Load in/out was ok. And we got free food afterward.

Ian, Jameson, Jess, Aaron, and I went down to Olin to see Katie Kavett (the old NSMT automations intern)apos;s show. Sheapos;s stage managing the Fantasticks. It was actually very good. They did a lot with a little in their theater-torium. And apparently they have to break down the set every day for class.
SO given that... The show LOOKED really really good.
They had to scale down the score a lot because fantasticks is very challenging... But all-in-all the things they did well they did very well.
Also, the place wasnapos;t equipped for theaterical lights... And hte lighting designer, an electrical engineer (Olin is anengineering school) told me how they rigged most of it to work on the rooms non-theatrical electrical system.. They had like.. 6 dimmers and the rest of it was run off of reostat and the like. And they did a lot of gel and plug substitutions. It was ghetto-fab. Oh those crafty engineers. Soo many points for creativity. It looked good (except for the mover.... What???... Yes.. Things that are out of place and surreal)

On the way home went to
Kellyapos;s Roast Beef Which was EXCELLENT.. Good Choice Ian. I had a really excellent chicken sandwhich.. And stole Jameson and Ianapos;s fries...
I highlly reccommend Kellyapos;s Roast Beef.

Especially because you can watch the giant fish tank... Forever.


GINORMOUS GREEK FESTIVAL AT ST VASILIOS ORTHODOX CHURCH IN PEABODY.... But I will post my ruminations on that at a later date...
(amazing though)
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Irsquo;m feeling my agehellip;.

Itrsquo;s a simple fraise usually referring to arthritis and sore knees of anyone who saw the great depression but now me.�I feel my age in the exact terrifying way my grandma can feel her back.�Irsquo;m 16, no matter what everyone seems to assume, and Irsquo;m a teen.�Reason is slowly slipping away into sheer emotionalism.�Where are my excuses for the feelings I dislike? I see a good looking guy, I like him, I act like a freaking idiotmdash;last year I saw a good looking fellow and I say to myself, ldquo;well stupid this is why you donrsquo;t like him _______________rdquo; and then I didnrsquo;thellip;.�But now at last Irsquo;m lost staring at my very large feet. �Loathing the sound of my voice and much more loathing of what English I manage to speak

I have the most insane urge to rebel.�In a terrifying frenzy as a vampire to blood want to grab a pack of cool-aid and die my hair blue/red/green of anything for the heck of it.�Itrsquo;ll look stupid for a week-and-a-half but I canrsquo;t find a reason why I would care. I want to grab a sewing pin dip it in alcohol and plunge it into the lower half of my ear.�Not in the creepy, cutter, pain loving kind of way but in the simple rash impulse of piercing my own ear. �I can hear my own thoughts and it freaks me out ldquo;blue hair we want blue hair today? What are you thinkinghellip;.rdquo; But then I think more and more about it ldquo;It would be cool looking and with hallowing I would have a chance tohellip;rdquo; I then realize Irsquo;ve just talked myself back into something I now wanthellip;confused?

These thoughts run rampant through my head buzzing like the static of a radio. Irsquo;m left clutching my head with ldquo;what the heck is going on?rdquo;�ldquo;Wherersquo;s my reason, where did I put the even keel?rdquo; I hate the very realistic outcome of such thinking in that I will most certainly be grounded this year for some of these suggested behaviors but stile yearn of the rebellion inside me.�I want to break free of this strange inability to scream and dance around like a loony if I felt like it (I often havehellip;).�There has to be something to this weird need to do something that doesnrsquo;t bother anyone but your own butt for the heck of it.�Canrsquo;t I do something childish and strange simply because or can I?

Somewhere in this chaos there is the plan of God rooting itself deeper in me now than evermdash;may be not in the intimate father daughter talks of before, but in the lion roaring in my guts and burning in my veins.�I see the P.O.W.rsquo;s of my enemyrsquo;s camp as if from a hill side with the commander next to me and see all the fights I have to face and Irsquo;m ready to start.�I see injustice and Irsquo;m ready to fly at any open door.�In my rebellion there is order.�In my searching there is a mission; free the captives.�Like John Westly (I think) once said, ldquo;set yourself on fire and let everyone watch you burnrdquo;

My bones are aching not yet in the agony of their disappearance but the stretch of new growth.�Irsquo;m foot loose on a foot long chainmdash;a rebel with a cause but without a picket signmdash;a poet without a piece of paper and I wonrsquo;t make it much longer

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ca menlo park restaurant

We went out tonight with my bff and it was so great. I missed her so much� First we went in and saw her Mom and Aunt who I hadnapos;t seen since my shower. They told me I looked good ;-) Then we headed to this new Asian restaurant. I didnapos;t know they had the hibachi bar to sit at and Glen got us a regular table. It was a really nice restaurant and we got way too much food. I ate a few spare rib pieces and half a terriyaki. After we went to Borders and chatted and looked around. Then we stopped for coffee and hot chocolate. I think weapos;ll get breakkie before she leaves. AND we made plans to go to NJ for Halloween (her house and maybe Atlantic City). Awesome. We can not go this long without seeing each other again.

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baritone notes

I am officially enganged to Doni, this great guy I have been dating for over three years now. I knew him as a good friend, and he still is my best friend now. Thatapos;s what I need, a life-time togetherness with my best friend.

Itapos;s just... I kinda feel sick to my stomack now. It kinda feel that I am apos;engangedapos; now. Like I cannot go back. Itapos;s like going to a one way ticket trip and not being able to go back to where youapos;re from. I can always look back, but things will always be different from this sideapos;s perspective.

I really hope I have made the right choice because I canapos;t really tell what Iapos;m feeling now. Iapos;m not really excited or thrilled. Iapos;m just... Enganged...

Iapos;m gonna sleep on it, and see if tomorrow makes any difference at all.

But hey, Iapos;m enganged Yeay

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The question:

"Use balanced equations to determine whether Fe(OH)2 or CuS has a different solubility with a change in pH.

a. Both Fe(OH)2 and CuS change solubility with changing pH.
b. CuS changes solubility with changing pH. Fe(OH)2 does not change solubility.
c. Fe(OH)2 changes solubility with changing pH. CuS does not change solubility.
d. Neither Fe(OH)2 nor CuS change solubility with changing pH."

I chose c., and Iapos;m wrong. Why? Since the anion of Fe(OH)2 is basic, it changes with pH (uh, doesnapos;t it?).

The big problem is, I donapos;t know how to determine how CuS behaves in changing pH. How do I? Please help.
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fairmont turnberry isles

Just stopping in to say hello.


I do keep up on all your postings even if only through Heather telling me of your funny happenings. Though, oddly enough, she did not make me aware of Nicole looking hot in her halloween costume. Hmmm.

A lot of stuff going on. Mostly work related. Iapos;m under a huge scheduling crunch and stressing out. Trying to find things to do on the weekends to take my mind off all that while I still have weekends. Iapos;ve done some shooting, wandered aimlessly through hardware and sporting goods stores. Used a bunch of my company safety points to buy some new tools.

The warm weather is gone for a few months, so I had to put one of my planned projects on hold until next summer. Iapos;m going to build a cedar patio table, but being that most cedar lumber is used for fencing and shingles, itapos;s not normally stored indoors. I have no place to dry it out, so Iapos;m on hold for now.

Finally rented out a storage space and cleared out most of the unneeded stuff around the house. That opened up space for Heather to set up her easel. Not much storage space here.

Okay, done rambling. You all take care.

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